Familia Delcarlin* – And The Chupi Chupi

It is insane to see the changes that have occurred over the past three months. The economic changes and devastation have been significant in the United States. The effects on an already devastated Venezuela are beyond comprehension for most US citizens.

In Venezuela, millions of families are starving and unable to obtain basic needs like clean water and meat or fruit. During the last few months, several families have reached out in desperation for assistance in providing for their children and spouses.

Familia Delcarlin was unable to plant any kind of crop or obtain any food under the constraints of the Coronavirus quarantine. Familia Delcarlin was referred to Operation Family Freedom in order to assist them in their time of need. After a thorough review of their situation, Operation Family Freedom assisted the family in obtaining some seeds for a small crop, and some food to help during the Coronavirus Quarantine.

In addition to assisting with immediate needs, Familia Delcarlin was able to obtain some fruit that they used to make popsicles that they sold in the street for some additional income. Homemade popsicles in Venezuela are referred to as “Chupi Chupies”.

* The family name has been changed for various safety and social concerns. Given the high volume of people in need and starving, it can be dangerous for a family to have food or provisions that others in their immediate area do not. There are times that the identity of the family needs to be protected because it can result in theft, assault, or worse. Because some of these stories are shared on Facebook, and immediate social circles may see the help a specific family has received, it is important to limit any exposure the family may have that would place them in danger.

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