Familia Lizardo – Surviving Venezuela

Familia Lizardo* reached out to Operation Family Freedom the first part of June of 2020 with a grant request to start a small business selling fruit and vegetables. Jesus was frustrated with the situation in Venezuela, which was compounded by the sociological effects of COVID-19. At the time of his initial request, Operation Family Freedom was taking in a significant amount of requests. Unfortunately, the grant request was declined due to a lack of resources. Jesus was informed that he would be put on the waiting list and when sufficient resources came available his grant request would be reviewed again.

By the end of July, things had spiraled downhill. Juan and the entire Familia Lizardo were in a bad way. Juan contacted operation family freedom again and reported that they were entirely out of food, and had exhausted all efforts to generate some income. Juan outlined the family situation in detail and requested a One-Time Emergency Relief Grant. Given the gravity of the situation, the board of directors decided to divert $100 Emergency Relief Grant to Familia Lizardo. With the Grant Familia Lizardo was able to purchase some food staples to help them survive for a few months. Juan expressed deep gratitude to those donors that made it possible for him and his family to survive another few months and provided him more time to find other means of survival. Juan sent a photo of the food he was able to store for his family.

*for various reasons associated with extreme poverty it is necessary at times that the names and identifies of the grant recipients be changed to protect them. This family has requested this protection and so we have modified the name to respect their privacy.

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