Familia Chacin

Advocate: Slade Gurr

January 7, 2018

Jose Chacin was a former companion of mine when I lived in Venezuela as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. The last communication I had with Jose was several weeks ago. At that time, I had told him and several other families that I had reached my capacity to assist them and was not going to be able to facilitate his efforts to get out of Venezuela.

On Thursday, I got an message from him and he said that he had finally gotten the messages that I sent after receiving everyone’s donation. He informed me that after we last spoke, he had some contact with his sister in another country and she was going to be able to help him get out of Venezuela. However, she indicated that she would not be able to send it until she got paid in 3 weeks and it would only get him part way. He made a plan with her to travel to Colombia and she would send him the money. Jose indicated that just after that he felt that he needed to go to Colombia sooner, but he only had enough money to get there. He said that he knew when he left Venezuela, he would arrive in Colombia without any money so he was very reluctant to do so. He told me that he finally decided to go on faith and leave even though his sister’s money would not be there for 2 more weeks.

On Thursday he arrived in Colombia and found the Elders Quorum President of the area he was in. He told me that the Elders Quorum President allowed him to use the computer and was trying to figure out where to put him for the night. At that point, Jose found my Messages and was able to contact me immediately. Jose said that he intended to wait for his sisters’ money and would try to find other ways to get established in another country. I was able to send Jose a drop and he picked it up Friday. He called his wife and she decided to go meet with him in Colombia and get a little bit of money for food. She left the kids in Venezuela with her mother and traveled the 12 hours to Colombia. They also have a problem with one of the kids passports and can not get the child out of the country for a few more weeks. Jose had intended to go to Costa Rica and start to earn passage for his family to join him. After Jose and his wife discussed options and decided to attempt to make a move to Colombia, instead of Costa Rica. They felt that with various extended family dynamics and the time it would take to get the rest of the family to Costa Rica it was better to get them out sooner and get established in Colombia instead of Costa Rica. Jose asked if it was ok if he used some of the money I sent him to purchase some equipment to sell Arrapa’s (a type of Venezuelan food) in the street, as it is difficult for Venezuelans to get work in Colombia.

Jose and his wife were able to rent an apartment until the 19th of this month, and purchase a street side food stand where he can display the food. Jose indicated he was very emotional about the opportunity that had been provided to him and expressed his gratitude to all those that contributed to the money that was sent. Jose’s wife was headed back to Venezuela where she will wait for the children’s passports to get clearance and so Jose can start to earn next months rent and try to get established for his family to join him.

Here are some photos he was able to send me. He was a great companion that taught me much when we worked together. He was always very patient and humble… Here is a very humble man, about as proud as can be to have a chance to start something new for his family.

I have another family that I have been talking with which I will likely try and help. I will update later when I know more about how we might be able to help them. They do not have intentions to leave the country, but it is apparent that they need help if there is a way to get them some help with the remaining funds.

Thanks again for everyone’s willingness to contribute. Right now, the remaining funds are allocated, I have not dispersed them all yet. When they are gone I will provide an account of where everything went.

January 28, 2018

I received a few notifications from him via Whatsapp. Jose had an opportunity open up in Peru for him to work with his sister and cousin so he decided to make the trip down there using the money he was able to get out of the food carts. Jose was able to make it down to Peru. He has an apartment with his cousin and his sister should be arriving soon. He was excited that the apartment had a bathroom in it.

Jose indicated that He has another cousin that is also trying to get to Peru. He suggested that we might be able to help this family, as well. I informed him that we have reached our limits right now, but if something changed, I would let him know. He expressed his deep appreciation and gratitude for all that has been done for him. He still has a long road ahead to get the rest of his family there, but he is working hard on finding a way to make it all happen.


May 27, 2018

Back in February Jose was able to get down to Peru to work and his wife and her daughter were in Venezuela. His wife was able to get to Colombia to try and help save and earn money to bring her daughter over with her. Shortly after arriving in Colombia, Wendy was able to go back to Venezuela and get her daughter. I was in contact with Wendy regularly during this time and facilitated a few drops to help get the child out of Venezuela. It was an adventure, but it went well in the end. Wendy and her daughter waited in Colombia while Jose got set up in Peru.

I got an update from Jose this week. Through their own efforts, Wendy and her daughter were able to complete the voyage to Peru and be reunited with Jose in Peru. They did not ask for or receive any additional financial support for this second part of the voyage. I believe this is part of “helping” and not just providing 100% of the resources for families to move. They are together again in Peru. I believe this is in large part due to the donations that helped them get started. This group donated a lot of financial resources to help this family get started to a new life. Here are the photos Jose sent of them reunited in Peru this week.

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