How to deal with a Demon

Before socialism, Venezuela became a very fruitful country in all aspects, with new emerging industries, professionals with innovative ideas, lands to explore unexploited minerals. Perhaps that time of great prosperity clouded our vision to the dark days that were to come When socialism started it seemed very promising for everyone. Many came to imagine a more solid country, without social and economic distinction, in which we would all have access to any benefit, but in the end, they played with our feelings and destroyed our dreams.
Everything is totally different from what was promised, there is no wealth or production, international agreements ended, unemployment increased as did corruption, hunger came stronger until we lost everything we knew as a nation. Although the effects that socialism has had in Venezuela have been devastating, there are some aspects that should be considered as a family to prepares for times like the ones we currently face.
Savings fund in other currencies.
In Venezuela, very few people had access to dollars or any other currency, but knowing that times of economic crisis would come would have motivated us to have a savings fund in some foreign currency since the Bolivar has lost all its value.
I know many people who saved millions of bolivars over the years that in the end, they came to be nothing thanks to socialism, many years of effort were lost to live now in poverty. To give you an idea, the price of the dollar in Venezuela increases from hour to hour, by day in day or week to week, for example, it may cost 1 Bolívar but within 2 hours it costs 4 bolivars, and by doing so all prices in bolivars they also increase. It is a reality that the people with the best economic stability in the country are those who have their money in dollars, no matter how much the dollar price goes up they always will have the same amount of money.
Own a business.
My father always had the idea that it is better to have your own business, and without a doubt, it is the best option in Venezuela today. Working in a company was feasible, you had the opportunity to earn a sufficient salary to cover your needs, in addition to obtaining some special benefits from the company. That is why there were few Venezuelans who saw having their own business as a life choice.
However, having built a solid business in those days would have been a secure source of income in these times of crisis, even in Venezuela there are businesses that are maintained despite inflation, I consider that it has been due to the management of strategy commercials and adaptation to what we live. Something we have learned in the midst of all this crisis is the importance of self-reliance. We wish we had not become dependent on others. Maybe for that reason, we suffer so much these days.
Daniel Moreno
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