Boots on the Ground – Devastating Floods

Hello, my name is Jhorman Rodriguez, I live in El Limon, Aragua State, Venezuela,

I met Slade Gurr, in 2001, in the city of Maturín, Venezuela, and I shared and learned many things with him when we served as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As missionaries, we developed a strong love and passion for my country and fellow patriots, members of our church, and non-members.

Slade introduced me to Operation Family Freedom last year. Operation Family Freedom has been able to help many families in my area since then. I want to thank Operation Family Freedom and everyone that has contributed to the foundation. My country has been in extreme conflict politically and economically for years, but I have seen many miracles come to pass thanks to contributions from Operation Family Freedom and other friends of mine.

Thank you all for trusting strangers such as the Operation Family Freedom Foundation, which has been in charge of bringing economic, physical, and legal help to many families and people who live here. Your contributions help us all here in Venezuela not feel alone amid so much uncertainty and chaos.

In September 2020, among the midsts of the world pandemic COVID-19, we were hit by the rising of the El Limon River, which resulted in many families losing everything they had. Through donations by Operation Family Freedom to our area we were able to dedicate efforts to help as many families as possible.

With boots on the ground, we helped families gather everything that could be collected so that it wasn’t lost or destroyed forever. We collected clothes, shoes, food, furniture. We helped with the water and everything that was necessary to be able to remove the mud from the houses. We are grateful and thank God there were no deaths

Thanks to your contributions, it was possible to bring supplies and food to many. The work has not yet finished, there have been many government entities, together with all the volunteer work from foundations, churches of different denominations.

In addition to this historical flood, there is also the general economic problem from which no one can escape. Many lost their formal jobs and had to dedicate themselves to working anything they can find on the street. Currently, there is no cash on the street, and that has reduced the income of these people who dedicate themselves to their work. Many are destitute. Operation Family Freedom has provided some breakfasts to some of the people that were forced onto the streets.

THANK YOU, thank you very much for contributing to those in need, THANK YOU FOR THOSE HEROs that the world lacks. THANK YOU, for helping Operation Family Freedom. Your efforts have helped me and my brothers and sisters in the midst of so much hopelessness and chaos.


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