Socialism is a factory for creating poverty

Socialism: The Poverty factory Venezuela was becoming a diamond until the arrival of socialism. As wealth increased so did greed.  As people saw what others had they decided rather than working hard to achieve more of the same they silently and unjustly seized from...

Being sick is a luxury

Being sick is a luxury Although it may seem ironic, getting sick or dying in Venezuela is a true luxury. We do not have hospitals with supplies, medicines are very expensive, there are no professionals or equipment to meet the needs of the population, and more people...

Prioritizing Based on Necessity

Prioritizing Based on Necessity I think one of the hardest things in life is having to give up something that we love. The Venezuelan has had to adhere to this practice every day, without the hope of ever having them again. I remember when I was a child during dinner...

Marriage in a Socialist Country

Marriage amidst Socialist Chaos Everyone feels the desire and the need to form a family in which traditions can be created, values ​​forged and unique experiences can be lived. In addition to experiencing true love and  Venezuelans are not the exception.  We are known...

Life Before Socialism

Life Before Socialism   The reality of having a life of abundance in Venezuela became a dream that little by little it has ended.  I was born in 1995 in a city called Anaco located in eastern Venezuela, it was a small place with few inhabitants but with excellent...