Life in Venezuela 


Life inside a Socialist Country

For some time we have seen close parallels between the Venezuela of 15 to 20 yeas ago and America today.  This would sound crazy even 5 years ago.  However, as we see the individual succumb to the collective it seems more and more possible even probable that we are seeing a glimmer of a future United States in the current Venezuela.   This dystopian perspective may be downplayed by some, however, the parallels are very real. As we try to do our best to help these desperate people we have come to the conclusion that they offer significant insight into how the prudent observer can, if not curtail, then at the least prepare for a possible tomorrow.   

One thing we try to do is offer longer term solutions to the issues of hunger and self-sufficiency.  As you read these posts try to place your self in a position, that will allow you learn from these peoples experiences and needs.  As you contemplate the situations these families are dealing with you may see a shadow of how you can prepare for the the unthinkable future.   Because we don’t believe in wringing our hands in panic, we have started to look for ways to prepare our families and communities should hard times come.   

In addition to all the doom and gloom, the story of Venezuela is the human story of triumph over circumstances and it is interesting!  We have recently started asking individuals who live in Venezuela to publish their stories.  We hope to allow you significant insight into the life of a typical Venezuelan and we hope you enjoy the story or at least learn from it!  Because the authors are sending over their stories in Spanish it is necessary to use Google translate which may not translate into an easy English read.  Therefore, we also have reworded some thoughts for clarity while attempting the maintain the integrity of the content. 

Contact us for future post ideas. 

The People’s Story 

Street Barbers and the collapse of an economy

Street Barbers and the collapse of an economy At times Operation Family Freedom requests that Grant recipients write an article to help our readers understand some of the day to day life in Venezuela. Jonny does a great job of discussing something simple that we all...

The School a refuge of Faith

The school a refuge of faithTeaching is a wonderful gift that many people have and in Venezuela, there are many teachers who continue to do their best to train future leaders.  Some teachers have the dream of doing something more for our country from the classroom....

Christ centered home

We received our awardIt is inspiring to know the history of so many Venezuelans who face the most difficult situations every day. From my perspective, they are the most resilient beings in the world, because they know how to cross the most tortuous paths and keep...

Maintaining optimism

How My Family Got More Optimistic Amid Challengest is not easy to remain optimistic in a country that has been in a devastating crisis for more than 15 years. Anyone who hears this situation and is outside of Venezuela may seem a bit exaggerated, but the reality is...


Resilience in times of crisisMany words are needed to describe a Venezuelan, but without a doubt one of them is resilience, because living in a country that has gone through various stages of economic crisis is a great challenge. It is enough to look at the impact...

Life after Hugo Chavez

Brother Jimenez – MY LIFE AFTER HUGO CHAVEZAfter Hugo Chávez Frías took command of Venezuela and completely took over everything, my life has changed in many ways. In the first moment when he became President of the Republic, it did not seem to me nor did I imagine...

socialisms intrusion into Venezuela

Brother Jimenez –Intrusion of Socialism in VenezuelaFrom a young age, I always strived to be a hardworking man. From my father, I was learning about auto mechanics and I used that trade mainly for myself. For some years I dedicated myself to repair jukeboxes and that...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!   In the month of December, Christians, Anglicans, Romanian Orthodox, and Protestants celebrate the festivities of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth on the five continents. The Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, called "Christmas Day", December 25,...

Christmas for Venezuelans

What does Christmas mean for Venezuelans?   Christmas in Venezuela is synonymous with joy, hope, memories, love, laughter, tears, delicious food, bagpipes, and family. I think it is one of the most anticipated times by children and adults throughout our...

What am I grateful for

What am I grateful for!   Even though times are dark for our nation, and we have a constant struggle, I am grateful for many things that help me keep the flame of hope in my heart, and I want to share them with you. I also invite you to evaluate why things you...

Happy New Year!

The arrival of the new year is a good reason to bring out the most best customs and traditions of the Venezuelan people.  We always seem to have the hope of a better future. These traditions help us to remember to not stop hoping the coming year is loaded with...

Jimenez- A servant of Jesus Christ

Brother Jimenez – A servant of Jesus ChristI have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for more than 30 years. My life as a member of the Church began because of my wife. When we were both young we lived in the country and we met there. I...

Who does not survive the crisis?

Who does not survive the crisis?   Surviving in the midst of a crisis like the one Venezuela is experiencing is a true feat. Perhaps from the outside, it is easy to imagine what things can be done to make it better, but the reality is that you have to be in the...

Businesses that are running today In Venezuela

Businesses that are running today In VenezuelaThe Venezuelan has had to overcome barriers and go beyond the lifestyle to which He was accustomed. In order to sustain himself with a little more strength, he has pulled those gifts and talents that were saved to become...

Why you should own your own business

Why you should own your own business   Venezuela became one of the Latin countries with the highest unemployment during these many years, I remember that people from other countries came to our territory looking For new opportunities to grow professionally....

How to prepare for a socialist world

How to prepare for a socialist world   In Venezuela, we did not imagine that socialism would be like a tsunami that would end everything in its path, or that our lifestyle would become so desperate.  If we had been prepared for these times, we would be better...

Goals are a luxury we can’t afford

Goals are a luxury we cannot affordIt seems ironic to hear that in a country with so many natural resources, beautiful landscapes, and brilliant minds there are no opportunities. However, in Venezuela, this is reality. Our Goals have been reduced to the simple desire...

How to Deal with a Demon

How to deal with a DemonBefore socialism, Venezuela became a very fruitful country in all aspects, with new emerging industries, professionals with innovative ideas, lands to explore unexploited minerals. Perhaps that time of great prosperity clouded our vision to the...

What I wish I had today

What I wish I had today! The experiences that Venezuelan families live through today are perhaps more critical than what you can imagine.  You have to be here to know how we really live. However, although this terrible situation is getting worse, we long for some...

Childhood in Venezuela

Childhood in VenezuelaI've always heard that children are the future of our nation, but the crisis that we experience in our country has changed that. What future does life hold for our children in Venezuela? The greatest effect that socialism has had on our society...

Education in socialism

Education in socialism   Venezuela has suffered a major decline in educational services. There are no resources, terrible transportation, insecurity, and hunger have turned education in our country into a mess.   Despite knowing that education is the right of...

Escape is the only option

Escape is the only option I could say that one of the most painful things about socialism is it has brought the Venezuelan the need to emigrate in search of something better.  It's really hard to have to abandon your family and friends, set aside your customs and...

Venezuelan Bolivar

The Fiat currency that is the Venezuelan Bolivar!The national currency of Venezuela is the Bolivar, however, everyone uses the US dollar to trade. Although Venezuela is one of the only Latin American lands that has not participated in Dollarization.  However, it is...

Do people mainly barter or trade for cash?

Do people mainly barter or trade for cash? In Venezuela people both barter and trade. We have looked for a way to adapt in the best possible way to the situation we live in and what little that we have available. It was normal to see people walking through the streets...

How does the economy work in Venezuela?

How does the economy work in Venezuela?Most likely, you are already aware of the terrible economic crisis that is Venezuela.  However, do you know what Venezuelans do every day to live with this terrible economic monster?   During the last decade, the Venezuelan has...

A Father in Venezuela

Being a father in VenezuelaBeing a father is a true privilege and a great responsibility, usually, the father has the task of providing everything their children need to be raised in a safe and comfortable environment. However, what can a father do to support his...

Socialism is a factory for creating poverty

Socialism: The Poverty factory Venezuela was becoming a diamond until the arrival of socialism. As wealth increased so did greed.  As people saw what others had they decided rather than working hard to achieve more of the same they silently and unjustly seized from...

Being sick is a luxury

Being sick is a luxuryAlthough it may seem ironic, getting sick or dying in Venezuela is a true luxury. We do not have hospitals with supplies, medicines are very expensive, there are no professionals or equipment to meet the needs of the population, and more people...

Prioritizing Based on Necessity

Prioritizing Based on NecessityI think one of the hardest things in life is having to give up something that we love. The Venezuelan has had to adhere to this practice every day, without the hope of ever having them again. I remember when I was a child during dinner I...

Marriage in a Socialist Country

Marriage amidst Socialist ChaosEveryone feels the desire and the need to form a family in which traditions can be created, values ​​forged and unique experiences can be lived. In addition to experiencing true love and  Venezuelans are not the exception.  We are known...

Life Before Socialism

Life Before Socialism  The reality of having a life of abundance in Venezuela became a dream that little by little it has ended.  I was born in 1995 in a city called Anaco located in eastern Venezuela, it was a small place with few inhabitants but with excellent...

Life in a Socialist Country

Life in a  Socialist Country   Greetings Operation Family Freedom friends.  My name is Daniel Moreno I am Venezuelan.  I have been asked by Operation Family Freedom to share some of my experiences in my country.    With so much news on the social networks of...

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