Christmas for Venezuelans

What does Christmas mean for Venezuelans?   Christmas in Venezuela is synonymous with joy, hope, memories, love, laughter, tears, delicious food, bagpipes, and family. I think it is one of the most anticipated times by children and adults throughout our...

What am I grateful for

What am I grateful for!   Even though times are dark for our nation, and we have a constant struggle, I am grateful for many things that help me keep the flame of hope in my heart, and I want to share them with you. I also invite you to evaluate why things you...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! The arrival of the new year is a good reason to bring out the most best customs and traditions of the Venezuelan people.  We always seem to have the hope of a better future. These traditions help us to remember to not stop hoping the coming year is...

Jimenez- A servant of Jesus Christ

Brother Jimenez – A servant of Jesus Christ I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for more than 30 years. My life as a member of the Church began because of my wife. When we were both young we lived in the country and we met there. I...