
We are currently accepting donations for a Missionary Wardrobe Fundraiser


Operation Family Freedom

Loosening the bonds of Socialism and preserving the Family

The economy has tumbled, social media and the news is out of control, and uncertainty is prevalent in each of our lives. What better way to forget your stresses than to look to the needs of others? The Coronavirus Crisis has already created life and death economic situations for families living under an already strained socieity. We have been inundated with opportunities to help families that are facing unimaginable circumstances. $100 donation will literally save lives during this critical time. If you can contribute even $10 it will go a long way. Donate Now!







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Family is Strength

The family is the fundamental structure to any flourishing society. Protecting the family unit and facilitating efforts to lift the family up out of the circumstances that drag them down, is vital to changing the world around us. Operation Family Freedom focuses on identifying families that are working to better their situation, and need assistance in maintaining the family unit while doing so. With connections and opportunities around the world, we facilitate the efforts of specific families with unique and challenging circumstances. In recent years, our efforts have been working with families that have been separated by the horrible totalitarian socialist policies of the Venezuelan government.  

Often times one, or even both, parents are forced to leave the family and the country in order to financially establish themselves before bringing their families back together. By keeping families together or reuniting them as soon as possible, we are able to help the families become self-sustained sooner and stronger, which creates a ripple effect for future generations.

Why Venezuela?

Over the past several years, Operation Family Freedom has primarily focused on helping families in Venezuela. Although we do not limit our work to any specific region, nationality, or culture, Venezuela is where we know we can do the most good with the limited resources we have had. A better understanding of this focus can found by reading ABOUT US. The history of Venezuela is long and complicated, but the reality of it is that socialism has consumed one of the world’s most natural resource-rich countries.

While pretending to be a stairway to Heaven, Socialism actually descends down a spiral staircase into the pits of Hell. It always promises shared prosperity, yet inevitably, it leads to shared misery. Historically, it has been proven time and time again that socialism leads to waiting in lines all day just to find out that there is no food or supplies left to give out. Citizens are simply told to come back tomorrow and try another day. Insufficient food and supplies effects everyone… mothers, fathers, children, and the elderly alike. Fathers are forced to leave their families and flee to neighboring countries to try and find work. They leave with the hope of building a base so their family can then join them. Often times being faced with the stark reality that it is not that easy, and their children remain separated, alone, desperate and starving. Parents separated from their families often do so out of necessity and desperation, but then can’t manage to reunite.

This is the Venezuela of today. It sets at the bottom of the socialist pit. Families are separated and children are dying of disease, hunger, crime, and the lack of basic life necessities. Operation Family Freedom started out as a small effort that grew because the need was so great. Ordinary people here in the United States were unwilling to stand by and watch as opportunities to help passed them by. Operation Family Freedom was first established to stand in the gap between failed government, and the families that are being ravished by destructive Socialist policies.

Operation Family Freedom has focused on the need in Venezuela because we know that we can make a difference through financial, material, and spiritual assistance. With yours, and Gods help, we will help many families. We work hard to provide temporary support to well-deserving, hard-working, good families by assisting with such things as relocation, employment opportunities, health issues, and entrepreneurial efforts. We believe in self-reliance and want to help these families escape the bonds that strip them of this precious gift. We ask that you join us in our mission to restore hope to these beautiful families.

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“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up”

- John Holmes

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